March 03, 2009
Jesus lives in me...
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
1:59 PM
February 20, 2009
48 hours straight..
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:01 AM
February 18, 2009
WOW, what a weekend!
That is all I have say about the weekend. "WOW, what a weekend!" This year at UMKC we hosted a local retreat for out student leaders. I am going to honest with you and let you know that we are not in any means expert at hosting retreats. Each of my teammates has something special to offer the students. If it's in their ability to get people excited or in a prayerful mood. We have been praying to Our Lady of Perpetual Help to protect us.

Here is excerpt from a student I have been discipling for quite a while now named Tiffany Bell and what the weekend meant to her!
“FOCUS student leaders had the opportunity to spend the entire weekend away from campus growing in relationship with one another and our Lord. We were able receive the Sacraments and spend time in prayer as well as hear talks by our missionaries as well as other FOCUS staff members. The retreat fueled me for the semester, reminding me of what is truly important as I live my life as a college student.
By attending and leading a FOCUS Bible Study, I am able to spend time in fellowship with other Catholic students learning about God's plan for our lives. Events hosted by FOCUS have given me the friends that I need to support me in my struggle to live a holy life as a college student. Discipleship with Jacqueline as helped me to grow deeper in my spiritual life, giving me the tools to strengthen my prayer life as well as help others along their journey. The work that FOCUS has done here at UMKC has truly changed the way I live my life.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
1:43 PM
January 27, 2009
Who says you cannot spread the gospel anymore?
Tim Tebow at the BCS championship game, wrote “John 3:16” on his eye black.
If you are curious follow the links below...
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
1:22 PM
January 06, 2009
Blessed Andre Bessette, Pray for us
Many of you are wondering who is Blessed Andre Bessette, and to be honest I had not either until today. It's the final week of break before students start arriving back on campus and I have never felt this ready and nervous at the same time for the semester to arrive.
Blessed Andre was a man whose parents were ill at a young age and by the time he was twelve he was a adopted by a farmer (his uncle). Throughout the ages of 12-25 he had to work to keep his stay at the farm. By the age of twenty-five he applied to the seminary, but refused because he himself had poor health. Finally an order called the Congregation of the Holy Cross took and made him the doorkeeper. He was faithful to this job to the end, but not just faithful, he treated each individual that came to the door as Christ.
"On his windowsill, facing Mount Royal, was a small statue of Saint Joseph, to whom Andre was especially devoted. "Some day," he believed, "Saint Joseph will be honored on Mount Royal." Andre had a special ministry to the sick. He would rub the sick person with oil from a lamp in the college chapel, and many were healed. Word of his power spread, and when an epidemic broke out at a nearby college, Andre volunteered to help; no one died. The trickle of sick people to his door became a flood. His superiors were uneasy; diocesan authorities were suspicious; doctors called him a quack. "I do not cure," he always said. "Saint Joseph cures." By his death, he was receiving 80,000 letters each year from the sick who sought his prayers and healing. For many years the Holy Cross authorities had tried to buy land on Mount Royal. Brother Andre and others climbed the steep hill and planted medals of Saint Joseph on it, and soon after, the owners yielded, which incident helped the current devotion to Saint Joseph by those looking to buy or sell a home. Andre collected money to build a small chapel and received visitors there, listening to their problems, praying, rubbing them with Saint Joseph's oil, and curing many. The chapel is still in use." (
So basically, what I am trying to say, if we are doing our work for Jesus that it should be extraordinally. It should turn a few heads and make people wonder. So if you think your work is not making a difference in the world. As yourself if you are working as if Jesus is your client?
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
12:57 PM