For those that read this, things are going, but I cannot explain in words what has been new...just keep me your prayers as I have been keeping you in mine.
October 31, 2006
October 29, 2006
Thank you Lord for the gift
of FRIENDSHIP. Even though its a little after 9. It's bedtime.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
9:03 PM
October 24, 2006
Day of Silence
I am not someone who usually takes part of national day of ..... But today it struck my attention. To the best of my ability, I will be silence in my words. I thought I would enter a quick blog and stop my communication for the day.
Why silence you ask? Since January 22 1973 over 48,000,000 babies have had their voice silenced. "Over 4,000 children have their lives taken each day in the name of choice. Over 4,000 woman are emotionally damaged ever day." On this day students will give their voices to these children and woman.
I have been in the student center for 22 minutes and I have had two students yell, "Jacqueline!" But yeah I waved and smiled and walked up to them and gave them a flyer. They read it and they were on their way to give a little silence in this world.
Spread the news and see what you can do.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
10:18 AM
October 23, 2006
The "spiritual father of Cuba"
Being Cuban and Catholic and I am in love with tomorrow. It will be in my day.
"The "spiritual father of Cuba" was a missionary, religious founder, social reformer, queens chaplain, writer and publisher, archbishop and refugee. He was a Spaniard whose work took him to the Canary Islands, Cuba, Madrid, Paris and to the First Vatican Council.
He spent 10 years giving popular missions and retreats, always placing great emphasis on the Eucharist and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Her rosary, it was said, was never out of his hand. At 42, beginning with five young priests, he founded a religious institute of missionaries, known today as the Claretians.
He was appointed to head the much-neglected archdiocese of Santiago in Cuba. He began its reform by almost ceaseless preaching and hearing of confessions, and suffered bitter opposition mainly for stamping out concubinage and giving instruction to black slaves. A hired assassin (whose release from prison Anthony had obtained) slashed open his face and wrist. Anthony succeeded in getting the would-be assassins death sentence commuted to a prison term. His solution for the misery of Cubans was family-owned farms producing a variety of foods for the familys own needs and for the market. This invited the enmity of the vested interests who wanted everyone to work on a single cash cropsugar. Besides all his religious writings are two books he wrote in Cuba: Reflections on Agriculture and Country Delights." -
St. Anthony Claret, Pray for us.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
9:26 PM
October 22, 2006
Red Car
Everytime I see that red car
I cannot help but thank of you
Yet I know you are so far
The terror of the unknown
I solely long to be with You
My Lord, upon Your Holy Throne
"Keep smiling."
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
10:17 PM
October 19, 2006
It takes only $2.65 to warm up my heart
Today has been a blest day overall. Just taking each minute as it comes. Nothing to planned for my day. Tonight after a good evening with my roommate and a friend, we saw a man in the corner of the street. Standing there with a sign. We made U-turn went to the gas station, bought crackers with peanut butter, a bottle water, and 20 oz of hot chocolate. Another U-turn and my roommate rolled down her window and said, "Excuse me Sir, we bought you this at the gas station." Yeah you never know what will happen with the money you give, but with food and drink you always know it will be in good hands. Try it out next time, carry some food with you for cases such as these.
We can all offer up $2.65 every once in a while.
Now its a weekend of relaxation. Pray for those traveling and their journeys. May God truly bless their time at their destinations.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
9:44 PM
October 17, 2006
The smallest things make the biggest difference
"The only thing I ask of you is to allow me to offer the libation of my blood to God. I am the wheat of the Lord; may I be ground by the teeth of the beasts to become the immaculate bread of Christ." - Ignatius, -- who also called himself Theophorus ("bearer of God"), was most likely a disciple of the Apostle John.
I just love stories of Saints. By tradition, he was the same little child whom Jesus placed in the midst of the disciples when He said, "Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." [Matthew 18:2-4]
Today I was off to early start and the Saint of the day kept me motivated as you can tell. I was in the laundry mat when an older couple started making small talk with me. It was a great way to enjoy the time spend while your clothes gets washed. I sat there at the end a little sad they were leaving when the gentleman came up to me an said, "You know what you are a very pretty young lady, you look just like Rachael Ray, that cook on TV." The only thing I could think to say was "Thank you." But of course for those that know me, I wanted to say, "Are you kidding me, I love that girl, I like to pretend I am just like her." Yeah I was honored and still am. The smallest things and kind gestures can change someone's life. Granted the compliment had nothing to do with my character, we all like compliments here and there.
We should go back and be like children in our faith so small and innocent and be willing to always remember God is in our midst. The smallest gestures and conversations with genuine attitude is how we should return to be.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
10:56 AM
October 16, 2006
October 13, 2006
"I need nothing but God, and to lose myself in the heart of Jesus."
It truly has been an amazing and busy week. I haven't even had time to update the blog. God has truly given me the patience and perservance. Now on this Friday afternoon, I am at lost of words, but I will end with a quote from St. Margaret Mary.
Christ speaks to St. Margaret Mary: "Behold this Heart which has so loved men that it has spared nothing, even to exhausting and consuming itself, in order to testify its love. In return, I receive from the greater part only ingratitude, by their irreverence and sacrileges, and by the coldness and contempt they have for me in this sacrament of love.... I come into the heart I have given you in order that through your fervor you may atone for the offenses which I have received from lukewarm and slothful hearts that dishonor me in the Blessed Sacrament" (Third apparition).
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
2:36 PM
October 08, 2006
"Your Will Be Done"
Chris Muglia - Your Will Be Done
I got myself out of bed this morning,
got on my knees and I started to pray.
Well, it looks like I made it to the day
I worried about all day yesterday.
Oh, no, here I go,
I'm already starting to worry about tomorrow.
What's it gonna take?
I've gotta get a break, I've been up five minutes
and I've already got a headache.
Hold on for a minute, I forgot what I was praying for.
Now it's coming back to me. I was gonna say that...
I believe that you're a God who died for me
and you love me like a son.
I thought that this would be a great day to say,
"I surrender. May your will be done."
As long as we're together, if you don't mind,
I've got a few more things that I'd really like to say.
I'm afraid maybe it will come out wrong
and you won't hear what's really on my brain.
Oh, no, here I go,
I'm already starting to worry again and I know
it really doesn't matter what's in my mind.
?Cause in my heart you already know that...
I said that I believe in God almighty.
I said I trust you will provide.
Lord, I pray you help me live as though I
do believe the words I speak,
trusting you in everything.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:52 PM
October 04, 2006
"I have been all things unholy."
"I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, he can work through anyone." - St. Francis of Assisi. How many of us can relate to such a quote. I know in my life there are times when I feel unclean with my thoughts and actions. But I know God is working through me. We have to ask each morning, "LORD, WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE YOUR HEAVENLY KINGDOM EVEN LARGER." Do we want to bring a smile to our Lord's face or bring him more pain. The best thing we can do is follow HIS WILL.I have been all things unholy, but by the graces of God, I am now being used by Him.
I cannot believe that a little less than seven months ago I was praying in the front of the tomb of St. Francis in Assisi. It moved me and has been by far my most favorite place in the world. The peace, the tranquility, and stillness in the air. I can close my eyes and see it now.
St. Francis gave up all material things to serve our Lord. Let me be reminded when I go around introducing myself to students in the student center that material worth is nothing compared to great conversation and genuine friendship. "Hi, do you mind if I keep you company?" It might seem awkward, but you never know who needs a loving ear.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
10:25 PM
October 02, 2006
Guardian Angel Prayer
Feast Day: October 2 Angel of God, my Guardian dear, Amen. |
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
7:36 PM
October 01, 2006
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Pray for Us
For many missionaries, today is a great feast day. St. Thérèse of Lisieux is an amazing while at the same time a very simple woman.
- Life in a Carmelite convent is indeed uneventful and consists mainly of prayer and hard domestic work. But Thérèse possessed that holy insight that redeems the time, however dull that time may be. She saw in quiet suffering redemptive suffering, suffering that was indeed her apostolate. Thérèse said she came to the Carmel convent "to save souls and pray for priests." And shortly before she died, she wrote: "I want to spend my heaven doing good on earth."
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
10:42 PM