M. Kathleen Casey - "You are the only person on earth who can use your ability."
December 05, 2007
October 30, 2007
Ladybug Extravaganza
10.30.07 - Between 3:30 and 5:30 there was a plethora of "Beetles of Our Lady" in my apartment. (true story that is the official name, google that)
Jacqueline: "It is bad luck to kill a ladybug because it represents the Virgin Mary. I just killed like 50 of them. Oh my God I am going to hell."
Marley: HAHAHA "Maybe you could go to confession."
Jacqueline: "c _ _ _ "
Marley: "Wait, isn't that a superstition?"
Jacqueline: "Yes, let's google that."
Marley: "Google solves every problem."
Jacqueline: "The Roman Catholic Church considers superstition to be sinful in the sense that it denotes a lack of trust in the divine providence of God and, as such, is a violation of the first of the Ten Commandments. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states superstition "in some sense represents a perverse excess of religion" (para. #2110). SWEET, I guess I didn't kill the Virgin Mary."
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
5:51 PM
September 25, 2007
58 days later and I am back...
Every once in a while I think about this blog I used to own.
I truly apologize for not updating this blog in such a long time. It has been truly busy here at the University Missouri Kansas City.
I have been truly humbled and blest to fulfill this calling in my life. There are many mornings when I wake up and think... "Wow, God has called me today to communicate the fullness of life to others." But you know, you don't have to be a missionary to communicate the fullness of life. I just happen to believe that the best way for me to do so is by being a missionary.
In these past 58 days I have been blest to surround myself with two friends who communicate the fullness of life in such a radical way. One is in the convent and the other is joining at the beginning of the month. There are many times where I just sit and think, "Wow, how lucky am I to have been blest with their guidance, presence, and wisdom in my life." They aren't extraordinary individuals, but they are truly thoughtful. They are always thinking 5 minutes ahead and anticipating your wants.
Yes, tonight, I declare to you that this year will be my year of kindness through simplicity. Why make things complicated? When all people really want in this world is to feel loved and needed.
Lord I ask you to give me the strength to do your will, not just the right thing. If this is what you want of me, please guide me and I will try not to grumble.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:02 PM
July 27, 2007
Uniformity with God's Will
"Who knows? Perhaps if God had given us greater talent, better health, a more personable appearance, we might have lost our souls! Great talent and knowledge have cause many to be puffed up with the idea of their own importance and, in their pride, they have despised others. How easily those who have these gifts fall into grave danger to their salvation! How many on account of physical beauty or robust health have plunged headlong into a life of debauchery! How many, on the contrary, who, by reason of poverty, infirmity or physical deformity, have become saints and have saved their souls, who, given health, wealth, or physical attractiveness had else lost their souls! Let us then be content with what God has given us. But one this is necessary, and it is not beauty, not health, not talent. It is the salvation of immortal souls." (Page 18)
This past week I was recommended this short book by St. Alphonsus de Liguori. I couldn't be more happy with the words from this book. It truly is only 30 pages and I know it's one book that you can manage to finish. He writes in a way that speaks to your heart and convicts all your previous thoughts and prayers. Instead of accepting God wills in our lives, are we asking to uniform our lives with Christ. Are you happy even with the suffering to say, that if this will of the Father, Lord give me more pain?
I know I am not in the state of mind to pray in such a fashion. I am caught up in the comfort of this world that I am truly afraid to ask what His will is. Because we can be doing all the good in the world, but if its not the will of the Father, than we are not pleasing Him. Now that is something to think about. "Reflect that all the sins of your past wicked life happened because you wandered from the path of God's will." (Page 16) "A single venial sin is more displeasing to God than all the good works we can perform." (Page 28).
I could go on and on quoting more from this book, but you MUST read it yourself. The best $2.50 in a book you will ever invest in. The will of our Father and ours should go together like a wink and smile. [what can I say, I have been listening to lots of jazz lately]
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
2:23 PM
July 26, 2007
Definition of Love
So I was driving around the city like I usual do going from place to place when at a Lutheran Church I read this...
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
4:21 PM
July 22, 2007
I am totally Martha & not proud of it
It's Sunday and I headed to mass with my mother. I heard the Gospel reading and I cannot help, but smile. How many times have we heard the story of Martha and Mary? To be honest I have lost track. Here it is one more time...
Gospel - Lk 10:38-42
Jesus entered a village
where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him.
She had a sister named Mary
who sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak.
Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said,
“Lord, do you not care
that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving?
Tell her to help me.”
The Lord said to her in reply,
“Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things.
There is need of only one thing.
Mary has chosen the better part
and it will not be taken from her.”
This Sunday however the visiting priest said something very direct. "If you feel sorry for Martha, you don't have a good spiritual life." Wow, it hit home for me this week. I thought I was enjoying my routine at home, I go to mass, holy hour, sometimes go to Panera with some ladies from Church, make a little phone calls, drive around from appointment to appointment and prepare dinner for my parents from their long hours from work. Yes, I will admit it, I do feel sorry for Martha, she gets stuck "doing" all the work. I am jealous of Mary sometimes even because that would be the life to sit and listen to our Lord. Mary is "being."
Comes back to the point that I will always struggle with. We are not human "doings" we are human "beings." I don't know if I will ever come to learn this concept. If we are not making ever aspect of our life a prayer than we will always feel like Martha. Even the simple tasks like water the plants or taking out the trash should be a form a prayer. Thanking God we have things to throw away and fragrance and beauty of flowers to water. Or are you thinking like me and saying that it's too hot to step outside and I don't want to carry around smelly bags. So thank you for the prayers because I can always use more graces.
St. Martha's feast day is July 29th, next sunday, so this week ask for her intercession to learn to be.
Lord, help me to be in your presence in all that do and listen to what you are asking me to do.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
9:38 PM
July 16, 2007
Luke 2:19
Don't you hate it when Catholics start quoting Bible verses? Seriously you are like, man I don't know what Luke 2:19 can't you just tell me.... well it's a good one and you will soon have it memorized by the end of the post. "Mary kept all things, pondering them in her heart."
I said, "the bad thing about prayer, is you have to keep at it because if you take a break and start praying again you soon realize you aren't praying anymore you are rather day dreaming." The all agreed. How can you not. It happens to all of us. I know for a fact it has been a real struggle to get my prayer in. I am present, but my mind and heart are not in there for some reason. Mary had it down. She kept all things in her heart, you know she was really good at pray. She had to be. For goodness sakes she bore the Son of God, our Savior.
After breakfast I got in the car and a song from this new cd I was given started. Mother Mary by The Remnant Band. They are a Catholic band from Texas and its refreshing to hear songs about our rich faith. The lyrics just blew me away..
Just can't think of the words you want to say
You're down on your knees; there aint't no doubt
But I know a girl who can help me out....
I ask my Mother Mary / to help me out
So today is the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. For all those brown scapular lovers out there, it's your day. It's a perfect day for you to ask the intercession of Mary. Ponder from the heart.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:37 AM
July 13, 2007
Birth-control pills poison everyone?
I am not sure what your personally thoughts are on this subject, but everything we do truly affects everything around us.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
2:08 PM
July 08, 2007
Don't be a Crtiic, but read
I cannot but help and laugh that yesterday 07.07.07, our Father Pope Benedict XVI published a letter to all bishops proclaiming the renewal of the Tridentine Mass. If you have not read the letter I recommend you do so, its entitled "Summorum Pontificum"
Go to the source instead of trying to figure the Pope out. Don't be afraid of change, it actually won't affect the individual parish as much as you think.
Know you are in my prayers and please pray for me as well.
07/10/07 - Pope makes headlines again --> Pope: Jesus formed 'only one church'
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
6:18 PM
July 07, 2007
Week Six: Fragrance in Song
Yes, you didn't misread the title, fragrance. I have a few comfort smells of my own that remind me a good memory. It might be the smell of Cuban food that reminds me a my grandmother, the smell of roses that reminds me to slow down in life, or even the smell of fresh cut grass that comes to mind the baseball park and a hot dog. We each have our own memories when it comes to fragrances. There is this one in particular that truly reminds me of hope. Not just any hope, but in the true sense that when we with an immeasurable desire, trust and believe in our Lord there is where hope lies. Our Lord will truly never forsake us.
Throughout summer training I was capivated by this fragrance here and there and I wanted to stand still so the moment wouldn't pass. But like all things in life we are called for greatness not comfort.
There are two songs that we sang during training the last two days at our daily mass. The Summons and Our Hearts will Rise.
Will you care for cruel and kind
And never be the same?
Will you risk the hostile stare
Should your life attract or scare?
Will you let me answer prayer
In you and you in me?
In the first verse of "Our Hearts will Rise" -
Eye has not seen no ear has heard
no heart conceived the hope prepared for us
Now we see dimly, but one day clearly
face to face we shall behold our God.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
9:56 PM
July 05, 2007
Fireworks fail to Spiritual Multiply
[I know this entry doesn't follow the pattern, but you have to trust me its a good one.]
At FOCUS staff training you live in community. We are priviledged to get to know and live with a group of 7-8 of young men or women. Each group is celebrated in a college named by a patron saint. This year I was in the college of St. Catherine of Siena. But this is beside the point. Each week you gather together as men and women and discuss a topic of choice. This week we gathered as FOCUS women to discuss honor.
Yes that is right, honor. In a society today where honor is seen as a weakness. The word honor comes from the root honesty. It was a beautiful presentation on how we need to have honor in our lives not just with the women around us, but with ourselves as well. If we do not honor ourselves we cannot honor someone else. Honor comes from within like so many other virtues. We need to listen to and be attentive to the needs and anticipate these needs before the other even though they need it. [does that makes sense]
After this wonderful evening, the men of FOCUS had driven their cars to the top of the Abbey and were ready to honor us as women and escort us to the firework show. It was a simple yet beautiful gesture.
During the firework show another missionary and I were joking around how fireworks failed to spiritual multiply. How? Ever seen those fireworks that are so brought and they disperse a few sparks like 4 or 5. But that spark vanishes in the darkness. That spark does not ignite another soul. We are called to be more than fireworks. We are called to be inextinguishable matches. Like fireworks we are called to disperse make more sparks, but we are called to teach those sparks to ignite other sparks and make inextinguishable lights to all the nations. If only life could be that simple.
Honor each other so we can learn and teach to be inextinguishable matches to all the nations.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
2:26 PM
June 15, 2007
Week Three: Forgiveness
During FOCUS Staff Training your life is planned out for you. Even our R and R time is layed out for us, every Wednesday from 1:30-3:30. It's hard to get some time in the schedule to stop and think of what has been going on.
We have one amazing priest that has given the homily the past few days and its all about forgiveness lately. Not solely forgiveness of our fellow man, but also within ourselves.
When we look deep in the root of things usually when its hard for us to forgive it is because of pride. No one likes to admit their weaknesses. But let me tell you a little secret; it is the weak that will be strengthen by our Lord. So embrace your weakness. Hold on tight because God will overcome that weakness and show you strength that is beyond our own comprehension.
Overcome your pride, and forgive.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
2:20 PM
June 09, 2007
Week Two: Bella Trailer
Each week I have decided to write a little, so you can read the high of my week. This week we had the great privilege of watching this movie, "Bella"
Watch the trailer and there is just one phrase to describe this movie.
"When love is in our midst, God is present because He is love."
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
2:11 PM
May 29, 2007
Week One: Back in Atchison
I know it has been a while since I have posted, but FOCUS Staff Training the last few days have pre-occupied my time. For the mean time...check out this video.
You will all remain in my prayers. I will try to give a weekly update of what has been going on here at Staff Training. For now its been Team Director Training during Week Zero, but the gang arrived Saturday so its been great time of fellowship and growth. I cannot wait for the weeks to come.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:28 PM
May 25, 2007
Everyone's Hero
You know you are baseball's fan, when you come home from a baseball game and you sit down and watch a baseball movie. Tonight my mother took to the Royals game. Sadly enough even though they had won 8 of their last 10 games, they lost big tonight. 10-3. Yeah it wasn't the most of exciting game to watch, but I spent some good time with my mother.
Two days before I leave for FOCUS training I am in a daze of the new journey God has asked me to do. To be completely honest, I am afraid. But I think about this movie we watched tonight. This little boy doesn't have the best of skills. He is rather horrible at what he loves doing actually. But he has the passion and love of the game. With a little help and teachers here and there through his journey, he's skills improve. He develops confidence that at the beginning was non-existence. Its what in your heart that reflects who you are.
I have a feeling that sometimes our Lord in heaven tells us this all the time, but we are too busy with our lives that we forget to listen. We feel so weak that no matter what do or say will make a difference. Well, our Lord is definately telling us to keep on swinging. Lord help me. Let me learn how to keep on swinging.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
12:56 AM
May 17, 2007
Mimosa...the coolest plant you will ever see
Obviously they go plant shopping.
So this past week my father went to to the nursery next to us to look at some plants. While we were looking at some herbs, we came across this plant I have never heard of.
My father knew about it and they grow wild in Cuba.
Nonetheless I now own a small mimosa of my own [also known as the sensitive plant] (more)
I think the reason I love this plant is because I can relate to it so well. As humans when we start to become vulnerable in our relationships with people, we let go. But every once in a while we close up when people get a little too close to us. We are afraid to show our true self. We are afraid when people truly discover who we are from the good and ugly, we will no longer have anyone in our lives.
This plant teaches me that yes it's okay to tighten up, but after a while we need to open back up and let people in. We will never be able to grow unless we are true to ourselves.
I know deep, but its been one of those days.
If you want to learn more go here. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitive_plant]
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
3:32 PM
May 14, 2007
MTV and the Catholic Church
I personally never thought those two words could be the same sentence. Well, they can. Today I received an e-mail from our President in FOCUS regarding this video.
MTV features the Sister of Life in NY and growth with the women's call to the religious life. Yes, that is right, it is not a misprint and I am not making this up. I was blown away and to be honest lost of words.
Prayers in changing our media little by little is working....
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:10 AM
May 10, 2007
Christ is calling you to be Saints
Pope's Message to the Youth - May 10th 2007
My reflections coming soon...
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:17 PM
May 06, 2007
Good Foundation = Good Day
So its the end of the year and I wanted to leave something behind for my disciples. I thought I could buy them a good book, but let's be honest...how many books do we own that we have gotten through the first 50 pages and never actually finished? I thought I would make them something.
Every since I have lived alone, I have it that arts and crafts are a good way to make the time go by fast. I went to the dollar store and bought, a glue gun, glue sticks, three frames, and a bag of small rocks. For under eight dollars I created myself a little project.
How many of us have heard the story in the seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew on rock and sand. We have heard it a million times, in order to have a good foundation we need a foundation of rock. Storms will come it is not avoidable, but you can withstand them with a foundation of rock instead of sand. Yes or yes?
Well, why don't we actually practice what we know. This is common sense to us. This shouldn't be new news. I thought hey I would put it all together and print off a nice morning offering. Our first thoughts of the day are our foundation. The saying, "Wow, she must have woken up from the wrong side of the bed," is true. So I made them this little frame with rocks around it and a prayer in the middle. Prayer should be the start of our day. Prayer should be part of every minute of our lives.
It's not a book, nor a nice rosary, but its a tool to start out the day with a GREAT foundation.
through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I offer You my prayers, works,
joys and sufferings
of this day for all the intentions
of Your Sacred Heart,
in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
throughout the world,
in reparation for my sins,
for the intentions of all my relatives and friends,
and in particular
for the intentions of the Holy Father. Amen.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
10:59 PM
May 02, 2007
7 Goals of the Summer
So the ladies here at UNO made up a list of goals they wish to accomplish this summer. I thought I would share it as well with the rest of you. If they can model after the first disciple, we should be able to do the same.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
2:17 PM
May 01, 2007
What is wrong with this picture?
Do see what is going on here? I know illegal immigrants, I get the point, but spray painting the Mexican flag. Sometimes people go a little far when they are trying to make a point. It took everything in me to not pull over and have a little conversation with this group of individuals.
Let's pray for those that don't see that America is a free country, a country where freedom is the key of everything we stand for. Where is the golden rule here? Are we truly loving our neighbors in the best fashion? What if that was an American flag?
Just one word, pray.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
8:31 PM
April 30, 2007
"Do whatever He tells you."
So for the past seven days I have seen this quote at least once a day. Since last Tuesday. I have read some book, opened the Bible, prepared for a Bible study and there it is, John 2:5
Day 3, and I found out my placement and my thoughts were, "Okay, God I will put my complete trust in you." It's funny how I received the answer I was searching for, but my thoughts didn't change one bit. I have been called to be a Campus Director for the University Missouri Kansas City. Yes, that means more responsibility and closer to home. Am I prepared to take on such a glorious challenge?
This is what our faith has called us to do each morning when we rise in morning from our cozy bed, "Do whatever He tells you." There are times where I wish I could stay in bed all day and be content with life. But we are called for greatness not for comfort. [quote from St. Benedict] There is no doubt that Mary was the first disciple. She said YES, ran to assist to others, and commanded us the greatest gift we could ever hear...."Do whatever He tells you." Yes, this is a gift because God knows us before the foundations of the world [Ephesians 1:3-6], He knows all the hairs on our head [Matthew 10:29-31 ], He knows the plan of our future full of hope [Jeremiah 29:11-12]. He loves us with an intimate love.
So could I not be excited for next year. GOD I WILL DO WHATEVER YOU TELL ME. What is stopping you for making that big step for our Lord?
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:10 AM
April 29, 2007
A little FOCUS UNO Goodbye
So it's end of the year and we have had a great time in Omaha. Here is a little video showing some of our rock star students.
I am going to miss this place, but it has been a true blessing the past 9 months.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
9:57 PM
April 23, 2007
Tennis is like life
the explaination coming later
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
1:14 PM
April 19, 2007
Why colleges need FOCUS
Our obsession with the latest bit of news is not morbid curiosity, like useless rubbernecking at the site of a highway crash. No. It's our way of tapping into and sharing someone else's misfortune. From our couches and our cars, we mourn for others who are mourning.
That's compassion, and it's a good thing.
(Story continues below)
to never, ever allow anything like this to happen again, we set our attention upon fixing the problem once and for all. We review structures and revamp laws.
We could call this American hands-on courage, and it too, I think, is a good thing.
At least it's well-intentioned.
In the upcoming weeks, when the shock waves emanating from the rolling hills of Virginia begin to taper off, we will see a national conversation about school security, gun laws, psychiatric medicine and immigration policy unfold around us. Politicians at every level will propose bills that promise to keep our children safe or safer. Universities will roll out their revised programs for freshman orientation weekend. Police forces will outline new and improved first-response strategies.
But will it make any difference? Will any of these practical solutions get to the heart of the problem? I don't think so, because in this case, the heart of the problem is the human heart itself.
The Virginia Tech gunman, Cho Seung-Hui, was a man whose heart and mind had rotted from within.
We can be sure it didn't happen overnight. For whatever set of complicated reasons, life — his own and everyone else's — lost all meaning. It had no sense. It had no value. In fact, for Cho, life became an anti-value; it got in the way of relief.
Raised in America since he was eight-years-old, Cho Seung-Hui was almost as American as the next guy. His parents owned a home and a business. His sister went to Princeton. He would soon be a college grad.
For now, we can only speculate about what may have been the cause of a life gone wrong. Cho Seung-Hui's writings reveal a heart full of hate, anger and violence. The characters in his plays were victims of abuse. They hated authority and they wanted revenge. So did Cho.
Unfortunately, while Cho Seung-Hui may have been a loner, I don't think he was alone in his loneliness.
I've worked in a university campus ministry. I know there are a countless number of young men and women whose hearts and minds — at least bits and pieces of them — are rotting from within, just like Cho's. They look desperately and silently for love, to love and to be loved. Carrying emotional baggage from home and with no compelling guides in their newfound world of absolute freedom, they end up looking for happiness in all the wrong places.
The prevailing culture on most college campuses looks a bit like MTV. It's the world of hooking up, one-night stands, beer funnels and the search for the perfect group of friends. For some, and for a time, this satisfies. And when it doesn't…? Well, most bounce back. They grow and mature.
But as we've seen, some don't. For whatever reason, there are an increasing number of young people who are missing the internal mechanisms to deal rationally with life's pains. Of these sad cases we usually don't hear much at all. Even in their pain, they manage to hold things together. They keep up appearances. They struggle on. And all the time they wonder why they are so different. They wonder why life is losing meaning. Eventually, they look for an out.
Of course, this bleak scenario of meaninglessness isn't just a college thing; it's a human thing. What's gone wrong and what's the answer?
This I know for sure: better security, more laws and revamped structures are not going to get to the heart of the problem.
The only way to deal with the heart is on a one-to-one basis. The work begins in the home and it continues in every human contact that follows — at work, school and the local gym.
The good news is all of us can make a difference. Are we aware of the suffering around us? Are we willing to reach beyond our comfort level and be love for the loveless? If we have found why life is worth living, are we willing to share that good news with others?
That sounds like a national conversation worth having.
God Bless, Father Jonathan
P.S. On Friday I will post some of your responses to this article. I look forward to hearing from you.
This article is part of a regular blog hosted by Father Jonathan Morris on FOXNews.com . You can invite new readers by forwarding this URL:www.foxnews.com/fatherjonathan.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
4:37 PM
April 10, 2007
April 03, 2007
30 Degrees; Feels like 16
So when its 30 degrees and it feels like 16, what better way than to watch some baseball. I wanted to watch some baseball tonight; Lincoln vs. Creighton. I found some girls to go with me and yeah ummm way too cold. What kind of genius decides to do this? That would be me.
A lot ask why do you love baseball so much. It's because when I am sitting there at the game, I feel like baseball is the story of my life and the way I choose to pursue my relationship with our Lord. These are just some questions I ponder and there are so much more. I wish at times that my energy and zeal of baseball would translate into my relationship and commitment to our Lord.
- Why is it I leave home early to be at the game on time? But when it comes to attending mass, I leave home right in time in the morning for the first reading?
- Why is it in baseball, when the score is 1-9, and its the top of the second, you wait til the end because you still have hope. But when it comes to life, and we are thrown some fastballs and curves, we automatically quit.
- Why is it when we are planning on buying tickets you try to get the best seat you can afford? But when it comes to mass, we sit in the back and watch the greatest show on earth from a distance.
- Why is it we are willing to buy the 3.00 hot dogs and the 4.00 drinks? But when it comes to tithing we cannot bare to give a little extra that week?
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
10:44 PM
April 02, 2007
Spring is in the air
How do I know this? Because since Friday, I have been surrounded with the beautiful game of baseball. I am spell it already, fresh cut grass, peanuts, hot dogs...seriously I cannot stop but smile.
Friday afternoon, I went to my first ever Creighton game. To tell you the truth, it was a lot smaller than I thought it would be, but it was perfect weather. I was a UNO student leader and friend, Josie, watching some baseball, talking about God, and eating some sunflower seeds. Now that is a perfect Friday afternoon. Some of the best conversations are those that are one-on-one and when they include baseball, they are that much sweeter.
Not sure if you can tell but that is me hitting the ball on a Sunday afternoon intramural softball game. My first time on bat since 5th grade and I hit the ball and made it to first safe. Yeah, I love my God. You know I am a theory, God loves the underdogs and well He must have a special place in His heart for me, because I am just that.
Here is TEAM FOCUSS [Fellowship of Catholic University Softball Students]. They might not all be involved with FOCUS, but I am sure they all love God and this is a good start.
LASTLY...I am not sure you are ready for this....THE KANSAS CITY ROYALS WON. Yes, that is right, the Home Opener against Boston and THEY WON! The score 1-7. This is going to be a good year, I can just feel it.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
6:50 PM
April 01, 2007
Life on the Rock #488-11/12
Great video of a MLB player talk about Catholicism. How could you not fall in love with baseball and Catholicism.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:30 PM
I am tired of saying that phrase!
You might be wondering, "What phrase is she talking about?"
So it's Palm Sunday which only means one thing; its the long mass reading day. Let's face it, that is first thing that crosses your mind when you get to mass. You see those palms and you are thinking, "Schucks, I am not in the mood to stand for that long today."
Well, it's the least you could do. I am not sure if you were paying attention when the long Gospel reading was going on, but Jesus died for you. Yup, not just me, He died for you as well.
Ever wonder why the crowd is the one year after year saying, "Crucify Him, Crucify Him." Isn't it funny that we are the ones chosen to speak that phrase because we are the ones that "Crucify Him" day after day when we sin. His death on the cross was a free selfless gift He made of us. Grace was out poured when he was crucified. He gave us all He had at the cross, even His mother, Mary.
But we are so selfish and cannot take the time to even thank him for his gift for our salvation. When we sin, we say, "Crucify Him, Crucify Him." To be honest I am tired of saying that phrase! Think about next time....
Your grace is more than enough for me Lord.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
2:24 PM
March 26, 2007
Crush me more and more...
I often wonder while in prayer...What the heck I got myself into? The more and more I sit in the silence of our Lord, I pray if my daily life is even His will or am I just living a life of mediocrity and not willing to step it up a little.
During lent, I went a little crazy and decided to go on a media fast, I have had a lot more time to figure out who the real me is and be able to do a lot more arts and crafts things. One being this project that took me a few days because I rarely have time to just sit and be. I hand wrote quotes and decided to burn holes and edges here and there. It truly reflects my pray life. Sometimes its on fire and the union with our Lord is so strong, but other times the fire diminishes and I am left with burnt edges of holes depending how strong that fire was. It is so funny how quickly the fire fades and we are left with ashes in our lives.
Anyway, there is a book I started reading, but haven't finished called "The Soul of the Apostolate." [Hence the title on the artwork.] There is a reason I haven't finished, you cannot read it all in one sitting. In just a few paragraphs you are left in awe about our responsibility as apostles to fulfill God's desire to aid the entrance of more of His children into His kingdom. The book truly allows you to humble yourself and know that all should be done in the glory of God.
There is a quote that says, "...crush me more and more...let me be a dust from the sand on the road...." I don't many people that pray in this manner, but I have found myself doing so lately. I need to humble myself more and let the Lord take control over my life. It is truly when I am doing the work of our Lord that I am most at peace in this world. When I am doing the things "I think need to get done" throughout the day, I am running around from one task to the next.
Lord, I ask you to crush me more and more, let this vanity in my life be taken away and let your glory shine.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:25 PM
March 18, 2007
Free JPII Relic
This is not a joke. I have heard it several times on a podcast I am subscribed to [Saintcast on SQPN] and from the CNS [Catholic News Service]. By sending a letter for a request of his relic, you will receive a prayer card that contains a second class relic which is part of a small piece of one white cassock worn by Pope John Paul II. I think I am going to be sending a letter and a donation, and maybe I might get it. It's worth a chance.
- http://www.catholic.org/international/international_story.php?id=23178
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:31 PM
March 17, 2007
The most effective weapon and St. Patrick
I have been into quotes the past few days it seems. Yesterday I spent the afternoon with a friend and we walked around shopping and window shopping and enjoying the great temperature that God had to offer.
We went to a bookstore to just look around and I saw quote on a journal. I couldn't help but laugh a little and smile. My dad always tells me that laughter is contagious. Just try to laugh out loud, even fake it and soon a smile will develop.
If only enough of us would laugh more, we would have the most effective weapon in the world. If only life could be that simple.
Going to enjoy the second largest St. Patrick's Day Parade which is in KC. [little fact you didn't know about] Learn more about St. Patrick's Day.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
10:21 AM
March 16, 2007
Do you wish to rise?
For some reason every time I get a break from my daily routine in Omaha, I seem to take a few steps back. I descend greatly. While I am descending humility strikes in and I realize I am not that perfect. Rather, it's true I am human like everyone else. As soon as people find out you are a Catholic missionary, they think you have a direct connection to God. Even some of my family members think that my prayers get to God quicker than theirs. But that is not the case I am human like everyone else.
I want the fame and glory. I want the acknowledgment of existence. But like St. Augustine said, I cannot get there unless I have the foundation of humility. It will be a long time til that develops. My tower might never get up to two stories.
Why do I write this? Because I am pretty sure I am not the only one who thinks like this. Let's be humble, so we can rise. Believe no one likes to descend, but let's face it its a necessity in life.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
10:04 AM
March 14, 2007
Give me back my boyfriend? What?
Last night I had the great opportunity to spend some quality time with the female missionaries at UMKC. Spending a little less than 24 hours with these young ladies, I realized how different each FOCUS team functions. I am grateful and yet at the same time truly sad. We had a relaxing evening with some dinner, movie and board game. What 23 year old doesn't think this is would be fun?
The favorite part of the evening is when one of the missionaries wanted to play a 1988 board game, Sweet Valley High. I remember a friend used to own this and we would play once in a while, but while we were playing last night it was a little scary. I googled the game and found this description: "Players move around the game board trying to find their boyfriends and the items they need for their date. Various spaces on the board and card draws cause random effects to shake things up." [http://www.boardgamegeek.com]
The funniest part of the game is you can switch boyfriends. So the whole night consisted of who's boyfriends was the cutest and stealing each other's boyfriends. You can only win if you had all your items for your perfect date and your correct boyfriend. I personally just wanted to get my bicycle, it took such a long time to find it. Finally in the middle of the game, one of the missionaries said, "This is why our culture is so messed up." I kept thinking to myself someone should make a Catholic version of this game, it would so funny.
I wonder if back in 1988 when they were coming back with the concept of this game, that this game would soon turn into a reality. Even a simple board game made humans look like objects. I am not saying we should not play this game because I had a blast especially when we all did side pony tails, but just something to think about.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:11 PM
March 11, 2007
Family Fun.
Happy 23rd Birthday!! Okay well, I didn't get a new car for my birthday, but I definately got lots of family time a few days later.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:50 PM
March 01, 2007
How bad do you want it?
"If you want something that you've never had before, you must do something that you've never done."
Adam, my campus director, teammate, and friend wrote this quote at the end of an e-mail he sent to all the student leaders here on campus. He was extending the invitation to come to the "Upper room" to have fellowship, prayer, and break some bread. Always in the Gospel when our Lord talked to chosen few, it was in a setting of an upper room. It truly grasped my attention. We all have dreams and aspirations for our lives, but are we truly able to do all we can to make the effort to allow our dreams to come true.
I hope to one day be a better Catholic so my calling for discipleship with our Lord can be one hundred and ten percent fulfilled. However, am I doing everything in my daily life to make this possible. Am I am showing by my actions and words that I love our Lord to the fulfillest? Am I bringing my family and friends closer to Him? Am I even taking the time in my day to talk to our Lord daily, not just during my Holy Hour?
Sadly and thankfully my hope and dream to be a better disciple will be a life-long journey. So my friends let's do all we can do to make our dreams and hopes become reality.
When our Lord came back to his disciples in the upper room after the resurrection His first words were "Go and Make." Let's go and make, but make sure we have a intimate relationship with Him before we work for Him.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:12 PM
February 26, 2007
FOCUS at UNO just blows me away
This past weekend I had a great opportunity to witness the works of the Lord in a front view seat. We brought 23 students with us to Lincoln. Only one hour away, but it made all the difference to "get away." We heard talks from speakers who took the time to invest in what God wanted them to say. Our main speaker for the event was Dr. Tim Gray. Down to earth, but full of wisdom at the same time.
Here are some of pictures from this past weekend. Thank you for all the support , but it bedtime. It's my goal this Lent to make sure I am keeping this updated. Sorry for all those that read this...my apologies. Group Picture. We have school pride. We have some amazing T-shirts and Maverick Horns.
These are most of the girls from UNO minus two of them. Its was a long, but as you can tell even thought it was 2 hours til the end we were still having fun.
These are my two disciples. Pray for them to allow the our Lord to continue working through them. We are so cute!!!
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:28 PM
February 21, 2007
40 Ways to Celebrate Lent
I recieved this list from this site: (http://catholicism.about.com/od/lent/a/40wayslent06.htm) I thought it had a wide range of things we can do to spiritually revive our souls during lent.
1. Spend at least 30 minutes talking to your family about Jesus Christ.
2. Be active in Operation Rice Bowl.
3. Pray on a daily basis to deepen your connection to Jesus.
4. Shut off the computer or TV and read the Bible.
5. Attend Mass during the week and not just Sunday.
6. Plan a big Easter celebration.
7. Attend the Stations of the Cross on a weekly basis.
8. Spend time sitting quietly and praying.
9. Try out some new recipes during Lent.
10. Educate others about your faith and Jesus Christ.
11. Listen to your children and tell them how special they are.
12. Pray the Rosary together.
13. Say grace before eating meals.
14. Take the time to talk to your family about Lent.
15. Prepare meals for a shelter.
16. Donate clothes and toys to charity.
17. Pray for someone you do not know.
18. Smile more often.
19. Try to stop complaining and being critical of others.
20. Plan a garden to learn how to nourish living things.
21. Call a friend or relative you lost touch with.
22. Take someone to Mass with you.
23. Go to confession.
24. Be a happy and positive person.
25. Do some art projects related to Lent especially with children.
26. Pray every morning and night giving thanks to God.
27. Help someone with their projects or tasks.
28. Volunteer your time.
29. Have fun with your family and don't forget to play with them.
30. Send thank you notes to those that helped you.
31. Give some time helping at your Church.
32. Visit a nursing home and talk to people.
33. Research a charity you're interested in and help them out.
34. Pray as a family on a daily basis.
35. Create a journal on how Jesus helped your life.
36. Invite someone that might be alone over for dinner.
37. Try to let go of anger, hate, greed, and jealousy as fast as you can.
38. Try to look at the positive side of life.
39. Rid yourself of negative behavior and attitude.
40. Make some friends and share happiness.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
7:52 AM
February 20, 2007
February 19, 2007
February 06, 2007
Retro Tuesday
I know I haven't written in a while...this put in a great mood and thought I would share.
One of the best days of the week with the exception of Sunday is Retro Tuesday. Here at the University of Nebraska Omaha the radio station plays music that moves you. With a little hand movement and hip action, the mood in the student center is about dancing.
♪♪♪ “A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” – Ecclesiastes 3:4 ♪♪♪
If there is one thing that I have learned thus far in a secular college campus, it is very hard to find time for yourself. We need to find time to enjoy the life that our loving Father has given us.
Many students are consumed in getting their tasks done throughout the day; going from meeting to meeting, class to class. On Tuesdays we have a group of students that come and sit. They come and relax for once. They lower their backpacks, take off their jackets, have a smile on their face and become real. They share their stories from laughter to tears.
The have a smile because they know they are not alone here at UNO. Even sometimes they leave with the urge to dance.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
10:53 PM
January 25, 2007
Brownback for President
I am not promoting any party here, but promoting a fellow Catholic. This is great news for the Catholic world. It might be old news for some of you, but new for others.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
10:58 PM
January 23, 2007
A quote to ponder
I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
9:06 PM
January 21, 2007
Fun is my middle name...
I know its not a very humble statement, but at times we have to boost out self-esteem. This weekend was GREAT. Started off with FOCUS Ladies Night and than a weekend of fun with some visiting missionaries. I don't have too much time to write because my friend Beth is coming to make a snowman...so here are some pictures to describe the past few days...
Smile! It truly does make you feel better.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
6:05 PM
January 18, 2007
I realize that I haven't truly sat down and taken the time to write anything on here for a while. It could be for several reasons.
- Super busy.
- New semester bring lots of change
- Nothing exciting has happenned
- or just plan lazy.
The only thing that comes to mind lately is my voicemail. I decided to change it two weeks ago and everyone that called me made some sort of comment. This what it said before at the end, "Do me a favor say Hi to God, He likes it when you talk to him." I guess friends and people here in Omaha used to love it because it would remind them to pray after they called me. I didn't even realize it. Plus I guess when I said, "Hello" it sounded like I picked up the phone. Now its back to old voicemail and people like it. Never thought voicemails could make such a difference.
There is my thought, the simpliest things in life matter.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:42 PM
January 17, 2007
How to celebrate a Birthday!
So I have a good friend who had a Birthday recently and I kept thinking to myself what can I give her. I live roughly 8 hours away so I cannot see her and I am kind of poor and thought perfect I will draw her a picture.
It was something I used to do a lot three years. I would sit and draw and be the stillness of life. In this crazy world where noise is wherever it has hard to find such silence. In Bible study last week we talked about how people long for silence in their life they just don't know it. At home you have the TV the background or your computer playing a song, in the car you have the radio on, and even in the stores there is music from the speakers. Noise is everywhere.
The perfect gift was the silence she gave me while giving her a Birthday gift. I drew a simple picture of the Virgin Mary. It said, "Whoever does not wish to have Mary Immaculate as his Mother will not have Christ as his Brother... - St Maximillian Kolbe
We need our Mother to get close to Jesus. Just think, from her womb came our Savior. How can we not love her?!?! So give thanks on your Birthday for the silence and the hidden treasures you receive by giving.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
1:41 PM
January 16, 2007
Isaiah 62:1-5
Reading 1
Is 62:1-5
For Zion’s sake I will not be silent,
for Jerusalem’s sake I will not be quiet,
until her vindication shines forth like the dawn
and her victory like a burning torch.
Nations shall behold your vindication,
and all the kings your glory;
you shall be called by a new name
pronounced by the mouth of the LORD.
You shall be a glorious crown in the hand of the LORD,
a royal diadem held by your God.
No more shall people call you “Forsaken, “
or your land “Desolate, “
but you shall be called “My Delight,”
and your land “Espoused.”
For the LORD delights in you
and makes your land his spouse.
As a young man marries a virgin,
your Builder shall marry you;
and as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride
so shall your God rejoice in you.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
2:24 PM
January 06, 2007
What to do on a Friday night?
So tonight I was invited to go to St. James Academy. It is a school here in Kansas that openned up in August 2006. That had some sort of lock in after their home basketball games. I was asked to be a small ground leader. Which basically meant I sat in a group with 8-10 freshman and sophomores and answered any questions they had about life. From high school dating relationships to gossips from daily mass to respecting parents. These students had questions.
But the most rewarding part was the last portion of the night. Eucharistic Adoration. These students are so lucky to have a school which provides such needs to them. But I was even more blest to be present of such an event. More to come, but its definately bedtime.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
1:28 AM
January 03, 2007
The phrase "I love you."
So there is this joke that many family, friends, and fellow missionaries have with me saying, "I love you." If I tell you "I love you," it means I mean it. Well, to say the least I said it once in a awkward situation, so for the past few months when I say it, it always brings a smile to my face.
The past few days I have been growing through things in the attic and throwing somethings away. It's mostly material items and every once in a while I will find a treasure. Today I found this scrapbook that my mother made me for my First Communion.
Our teacher had us write a letter to Jesus and this is how it went....
I love you. Thanks for making the body of Christ. Thanks for making the blood. I am proud to making my Communion. It's wonderful to go to Communion. Thanks for all the things you have given me.
Tonight as lay here and think about the upcoming year, let's me recognize that I shall be thankful just as I was when I was in second grade. Lord, "I love you."
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
8:56 PM
January 01, 2007
A little bit of love...
So being Cuban, well not really just growing up in my household we have lots of customs in ringing in the new year. I decided this year I would try a few of them out and see what happens. But in everything you do in life, its the effort you put into it. If you put a lot of effort, you will get more out of it. To say the least, I woke up in a great mood. I haven't woken up like that for a long time, and slept so well.
I knew the first thing I wanted to do was go to Church. Yeah that's right Church. It's tradition that the first of the year is the feast of the Mother of God, Mary.
As the last two Gospel readings have addressed, Mary saw and kept everything in her heart. She knew what was happening, but kept things in her heart. The heart we cry out as immaculate and sorrowful. The same heart that felt the beauty of the birth of the world's saviour and the agony of His death.
Our Mother, the Mother of God, is constantly asking us for a little Peace in this world and I wouldn't agree more. But not in the way we always think of peace, as in world peace, but also in our very homes. The family is the domestic church. The family is the place where peace should begin. Like the song goes, "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me."
Our family began the year in such that fashion. We enjoyed the day with each other. We didn't go out, but rather ate a few left-overs from the week before, had a good laugh, enjoyed time with my grandmothers, and played a fun and intense game of dominoes.
So next time you feel you need to create world peace, look at your homes and create some peace there. Remember you can always ask Mary for a little help.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
10:48 PM
Don't click away the New Year
So tonight, its official . It is now 2007. Does anyone else find that weird out there?? The past five years it has been a wide range of places I have been. This year decided to stay home. The funny thing is though, my family were all gone at different parties. So I had a friend come and ring in the new year with me. You can't alone, that is just sad.
We decided to go to a get together and than come back and ring in the new year in a more mellow environment. Which pretty much consisted of red wine, pretzels, cheese, and chocolate. Sound good? It was.
We wanted to watch a funny movie, one we hadn't seen, and one that wouldn't make us depressed because we are not in a relationship. Click with Adam Sandler was our option.
For those that haven't seen it? It wasn't the best option because there are a few scenes were tears just kept on coming. I joked around..."What kind of new year is this where we start the year crying, seriously." All in all it has a great message.
SLOW DOWN, SPEND QUALITY TIME WITH GREAT FAMILY AND FRIENDS AND ENJOY LIFE. Yeah it should be the motto of next year and I think it might just be.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
2:47 AM