This past weekend I had a great opportunity to witness the works of the Lord in a front view seat. We brought 23 students with us to Lincoln. Only one hour away, but it made all the difference to "get away." We heard talks from speakers who took the time to invest in what God wanted them to say. Our main speaker for the event was Dr. Tim Gray. Down to earth, but full of wisdom at the same time.
Here are some of pictures from this past weekend. Thank you for all the support , but it bedtime. It's my goal this Lent to make sure I am keeping this updated. Sorry for all those that read apologies. Group Picture. We have school pride. We have some amazing T-shirts and Maverick Horns.
These are most of the girls from UNO minus two of them. Its was a long, but as you can tell even thought it was 2 hours til the end we were still having fun.
These are my two disciples. Pray for them to allow the our Lord to continue working through them. We are so cute!!!
February 26, 2007
FOCUS at UNO just blows me away
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:28 PM
February 21, 2007
40 Ways to Celebrate Lent
I recieved this list from this site: ( I thought it had a wide range of things we can do to spiritually revive our souls during lent.
1. Spend at least 30 minutes talking to your family about Jesus Christ.
2. Be active in Operation Rice Bowl.
3. Pray on a daily basis to deepen your connection to Jesus.
4. Shut off the computer or TV and read the Bible.
5. Attend Mass during the week and not just Sunday.
6. Plan a big Easter celebration.
7. Attend the Stations of the Cross on a weekly basis.
8. Spend time sitting quietly and praying.
9. Try out some new recipes during Lent.
10. Educate others about your faith and Jesus Christ.
11. Listen to your children and tell them how special they are.
12. Pray the Rosary together.
13. Say grace before eating meals.
14. Take the time to talk to your family about Lent.
15. Prepare meals for a shelter.
16. Donate clothes and toys to charity.
17. Pray for someone you do not know.
18. Smile more often.
19. Try to stop complaining and being critical of others.
20. Plan a garden to learn how to nourish living things.
21. Call a friend or relative you lost touch with.
22. Take someone to Mass with you.
23. Go to confession.
24. Be a happy and positive person.
25. Do some art projects related to Lent especially with children.
26. Pray every morning and night giving thanks to God.
27. Help someone with their projects or tasks.
28. Volunteer your time.
29. Have fun with your family and don't forget to play with them.
30. Send thank you notes to those that helped you.
31. Give some time helping at your Church.
32. Visit a nursing home and talk to people.
33. Research a charity you're interested in and help them out.
34. Pray as a family on a daily basis.
35. Create a journal on how Jesus helped your life.
36. Invite someone that might be alone over for dinner.
37. Try to let go of anger, hate, greed, and jealousy as fast as you can.
38. Try to look at the positive side of life.
39. Rid yourself of negative behavior and attitude.
40. Make some friends and share happiness.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
7:52 AM
February 20, 2007
February 19, 2007
February 06, 2007
Retro Tuesday
I know I haven't written in a while...this put in a great mood and thought I would share.
One of the best days of the week with the exception of Sunday is Retro Tuesday. Here at the University of Nebraska Omaha the radio station plays music that moves you. With a little hand movement and hip action, the mood in the student center is about dancing.
♪♪♪ “A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” – Ecclesiastes 3:4 ♪♪♪
If there is one thing that I have learned thus far in a secular college campus, it is very hard to find time for yourself. We need to find time to enjoy the life that our loving Father has given us.
Many students are consumed in getting their tasks done throughout the day; going from meeting to meeting, class to class. On Tuesdays we have a group of students that come and sit. They come and relax for once. They lower their backpacks, take off their jackets, have a smile on their face and become real. They share their stories from laughter to tears.
The have a smile because they know they are not alone here at UNO. Even sometimes they leave with the urge to dance.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
10:53 PM