Every once in a while I think about this blog I used to own.
I truly apologize for not updating this blog in such a long time. It has been truly busy here at the University Missouri Kansas City.
I have been truly humbled and blest to fulfill this calling in my life. There are many mornings when I wake up and think... "Wow, God has called me today to communicate the fullness of life to others." But you know, you don't have to be a missionary to communicate the fullness of life. I just happen to believe that the best way for me to do so is by being a missionary.
In these past 58 days I have been blest to surround myself with two friends who communicate the fullness of life in such a radical way. One is in the convent and the other is joining at the beginning of the month. There are many times where I just sit and think, "Wow, how lucky am I to have been blest with their guidance, presence, and wisdom in my life." They aren't extraordinary individuals, but they are truly thoughtful. They are always thinking 5 minutes ahead and anticipating your wants.
Yes, tonight, I declare to you that this year will be my year of kindness through simplicity. Why make things complicated? When all people really want in this world is to feel loved and needed.
Lord I ask you to give me the strength to do your will, not just the right thing. If this is what you want of me, please guide me and I will try not to grumble.