So far the thought of being a missionary who has been called to convert the hearts of so many brings joy. But along with these joys are many fears. Of course I have the fear, if I have enough many to pay all my bills. I mean come on, right now I have enough for rent, electricity, and health insurance. Yeah where will I eat, I am still figuring that one out.
The Gospel on Sunday read: John 6:9-11 "There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what are they among so many?" Jesus said, "Make the people sit down." Now there was much grass in the place; so the men sat down, in number about five thousand. Jesus then took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated; so also the fish, as much as they wanted. "
WITH FAITH GOD WILL PROVIDE. I will have food to eat because the Lord knows me well. As the Lord gives thanks, let us give thanks for what we have. We have so much right in our own homes.
But what I am most afraid of is missing my parents. Let's face it, I have lived a great life. My parents would do anything for my well being. My parents not only love me, but they are in love with me. Everything that love is I have seen the eyes and heart of my parents. I am growing up and I am leaving the comfort they have provided me. As much as they don't understand me at least especially now, I cannot stop but loving them. Of course, I will miss them this is normal. But I don't want to leave them. My mother says, "You are killing us by leaving." I am breaking their hearts by leaving them again.
Lord, I ask your Sacred Heart to unite my heart and theirs to Yours. May our wounded hearts find comfort in Yours, so when true suffering hits, we all will be prepared. Instead of being afraid, I give you thanks Lord for my parents.
July 31, 2006
What I am afraid of...
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
10:21 PM
July 25, 2006
With perseverance all is possible.
Today, I had the great opporunity to talk to another fellow missionary on the phone. It's good to just sit and talk to someone who can relate as much as possible with what exactly fundraising is all about. She said to me today, "With perseverance all is possible. How can someone deny you if they truly knew how much you are impacting the future." Developing and enriching the minds of the youth is what we strive to do because these young people will become the future leaders of America. I know myself for one, want ethical, moral, and faithful citizens out there having control. As some of you know, FOCUS missionaries raise 100% of their own salary. Which includes food, rent, insurance, gas, and everything in between.
So I am now in the process as a first year missionary to develop a support team to go with me to Omaha and be my support while I am "out in the battle field." The college campus can be a dangerous place.
Let's take the Kansas City Royals for example in perseverance tonight. First inning, they committed three errors and had three runs with zero outs. I said, "Man this game is going to stink." I lacked faith and a steady perseverance in my Royals. With a few stolen bases, walks, 2 homeruns, we ended up with 12 hits and 7 runs to win the game 5-7. From the start when we down 3-0, I had given up.
Fundraising is like my good old Royals team. You have to have steady persistence and bang there will come a miracle from Heaven. Giving up is out of the question because you are doing the beautiful act of kindness, sharing to others gift of faith, love, and happiness.
Lord I ask you to give the graces to persevere and pray especially for the intentions of my Ministry Partners.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
11:32 PM
July 21, 2006
The world can be a better place...
Well, sometimes you can find real truth in comics. If we have the mindset that We can make a difference by our presence in this world that we CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. If there is one thing I have learned in the past few weeks is attitude. When you have the right attitude about anything you do in life, with the mindset of all this is for God than all is possible.
The world can be a better place with people with the right attitude.
I pray for more people to have the inner strength and confidence that they can make a difference. Our weakness is usually our biggest strength.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
5:05 PM
July 19, 2006
You just never know...
So you might be wondering what exactly does my life consist of since I am not at Omaha right now. Well, let me tell you what happenned to me today. I am up a little after 7 AM so I can eat breakfast with my parents and than head off to mass at my parish.
I have a key minister partner who absolutely loves what I am doing. She claims, "She is going to go and keep college students Catholic." That is how she introduces me to different people around the parish. With her help, I have put my face and name out there. Today, I was kneeling after mass to say a few prayers when an older gentleman came up to me and said, "Are you Jacqueline." "Yes I am, I replied." So there I was kneeling and he sat in the pew in front of me and began to talk to me. Eventually long story short he is now a monthly minister partner thanks to the help to my key person! She has also given me referrals that also have turned out to be my partners. It's a good life! Have faith and someone out there will believe in you. There are great people in this crazy world.
Holy Hour after mass couldn't be a better time for me. It's my way to disconnect with this world and become one in a spiritual sense with our Lord.
The rest of the day is up to me, with paperwork to do, postcards to mail out, and appointments with people to talk with passion about this great ministry. But most importantly it is dinner time with my parents each night. I am a very blest young lady.
Thank You Mother for Your Loving care. Hold close in your arms my FOCUS family, friends, and family.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
1:06 PM
July 18, 2006
So I am a FOCUS Missionary...
I decided to create this site to give me the oppporunity to reflect for the next two year about my activities as a FOCUS missionary, in the view point of a first years and in particular in Omaha, Nebraska. Plus it gives others a better opportunity to see what exactly I will be doing in Omaha.
To be honest, I have no idea what exactly is a FOCUS missionary. Everyday I learn something new about this wonderful humbling calling. Prayer each morning and night gives me the graces to love this job even more.Pope Benedict XVI at his Inaugural Mass said this, "There is nothing more beautiful than to know Him and to speak to others of our friendship with Him." I find so much joy in speaking to others of my friendship with Him. There is great passion in this little heart of mine and I cannot wait! I am so humble that I do have the opporunity to know Him, so why not share Him? There are many who strive for some purpose in life. Well, they can find it in one simple way, to pray.
To you my brothers and sisters, I pray for you and I cannot wait to share with the stories of the life of a first year FOCUS missionary.
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
10:13 AM