So you might be wondering what exactly does my life consist of since I am not at Omaha right now. Well, let me tell you what happenned to me today. I am up a little after 7 AM so I can eat breakfast with my parents and than head off to mass at my parish.
I have a key minister partner who absolutely loves what I am doing. She claims, "She is going to go and keep college students Catholic." That is how she introduces me to different people around the parish. With her help, I have put my face and name out there. Today, I was kneeling after mass to say a few prayers when an older gentleman came up to me and said, "Are you Jacqueline." "Yes I am, I replied." So there I was kneeling and he sat in the pew in front of me and began to talk to me. Eventually long story short he is now a monthly minister partner thanks to the help to my key person! She has also given me referrals that also have turned out to be my partners. It's a good life! Have faith and someone out there will believe in you. There are great people in this crazy world.
Holy Hour after mass couldn't be a better time for me. It's my way to disconnect with this world and become one in a spiritual sense with our Lord.
The rest of the day is up to me, with paperwork to do, postcards to mail out, and appointments with people to talk with passion about this great ministry. But most importantly it is dinner time with my parents each night. I am a very blest young lady.
Thank You Mother for Your Loving care. Hold close in your arms my FOCUS family, friends, and family.
July 19, 2006
You just never know...
Posted by
Exceptional Novice
1:06 PM
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