July 07, 2007

Week Six: Fragrance in Song

Yes, you didn't misread the title, fragrance. I have a few comfort smells of my own that remind me a good memory. It might be the smell of Cuban food that reminds me a my grandmother, the smell of roses that reminds me to slow down in life, or even the smell of fresh cut grass that comes to mind the baseball park and a hot dog. We each have our own memories when it comes to fragrances. There is this one in particular that truly reminds me of hope. Not just any hope, but in the true sense that when we with an immeasurable desire, trust and believe in our Lord there is where hope lies. Our Lord will truly never forsake us.

Throughout summer training I was capivated by this fragrance here and there and I wanted to stand still so the moment wouldn't pass. But like all things in life we are called for greatness not comfort.

There are two songs that we sang during training the last two days at our daily mass. The Summons and Our Hearts will Rise.

In the second verse of "The Summons" -
Will you leave yourself behind
If I but call your name?
Will you care for cruel and kind
And never be the same?
Will you risk the hostile stare
Should your life attract or scare?
Will you let me answer prayer
In you and you in me?

In the first verse of "Our Hearts will Rise" -
Eye has not seen no ear has heard
no heart conceived the hope prepared for us
Now we see dimly, but one day clearly
face to face we shall behold our God.

It might not seem like anything when you read the words, but the fragrance of our Lord was there and I know I will risk all for Him knowing that one day clearly I shall behold our God. Are you willing to do the same daily?