April 30, 2007

"Do whatever He tells you."

So for the past seven days I have seen this quote at least once a day. Since last Tuesday. I have read some book, opened the Bible, prepared for a Bible study and there it is, John 2:5

"Do whatever He tells you."

The first few days, I just thought, "Okay, God I will put my complete trust in you." I am not sure where FOCUS is going to place me, but you have never failed me my first year. Actually it has been a true blessing in disguise many times.

Day 3, and I found out my placement and my thoughts were, "Okay, God I will put my complete trust in you." It's funny how I received the answer I was searching for, but my thoughts didn't change one bit. I have been called to be a Campus Director for the University Missouri Kansas City. Yes, that means more responsibility and closer to home. Am I prepared to take on such a glorious challenge?

This is what our faith has called us to do each morning when we rise in morning from our cozy bed, "Do whatever He tells you." There are times where I wish I could stay in bed all day and be content with life. But we are called for greatness not for comfort. [quote from St. Benedict] There is no doubt that Mary was the first disciple. She said YES, ran to assist to others, and commanded us the greatest gift we could ever hear...."Do whatever He tells you." Yes, this is a gift because God knows us before the foundations of the world [Ephesians 1:3-6], He knows all the hairs on our head [Matthew 10:29-31 ], He knows the plan of our future full of hope [Jeremiah 29:11-12]. He loves us with an intimate love.

So could I not be excited for next year. GOD I WILL DO WHATEVER YOU TELL ME. What is stopping you for making that big step for our Lord?