September 27, 2006

Life what a wonderful thing?!?!

It doesn't matter how much you want to pretend you have your whole day planned out for you, God throws in a curve ball at you.

I cannot complain, tonight I shared with others the moment where evagelization became a reality. It was late one night around 1 in the morning and a few us where having a sleep-over at FOCUS summer training. The topic of judgment came about. "When you pass away, all your sins will be played to you in a big screen and everyone would be watching." One of the girls said. I said, "WHAT? No one ever told me that." Yeah I started thinking, oh crud I better start behaving or my life is going to stink and I won't go to heaven.

But life is not just about us. It's about all the souls around us. What good will heaven do if my loved ones are not joined with me. It's our duty and call to bring everyone we know to heaven with us, hopefully we make it that far.

"Those who have received the Good News and who have been gathered by it into a community of salvation can and must communicate it and spread it…" (No. 13) (Evangelization in the Modern World, Pope Paul VI) However we cannot spread this news alone. That is why we have the Eucharist.

St. Augustine says it beautifully, “To fall in love with God is the greatest of all romances; to seek Him, the greatest adventure; to find Him, the greatest human achievement."