March 16, 2007

Do you wish to rise?

"Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility." - St. Augustine.

For some reason every time I get a break from my daily routine in Omaha, I seem to take a few steps back. I descend greatly. While I am descending humility strikes in and I realize I am not that perfect. Rather, it's true I am human like everyone else. As soon as people find out you are a Catholic missionary, they think you have a direct connection to God. Even some of my family members think that my prayers get to God quicker than theirs. But that is not the case I am human like everyone else.

I want the fame and glory. I want the acknowledgment of existence. But like St. Augustine said, I cannot get there unless I have the foundation of humility. It will be a long time til that develops. My tower might never get up to two stories.

Why do I write this? Because I am pretty sure I am not the only one who thinks like this. Let's be humble, so we can rise. Believe no one likes to descend, but let's face it its a necessity in life.